All of us, though sometimes, looking for any phrase or word on the site through the Ctrl F. But you must admit that going from tab to tab, it is inconvenient to constantly repeat this combination. It is much easier to ' crank ' is the effect of it once and forget about it, easily seeing the results on any open website in any tabs! . Sufficient to enable it ( turn black marker ) and search without having to worry about the chore Ctrl F. How all this works, look at the video above!.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Extension Highlight Keywords for search
All of us, though sometimes, looking for any phrase or word on the site through the Ctrl F. But you must admit that going from tab to tab, it is inconvenient to constantly repeat this combination. It is much easier to ' crank ' is the effect of it once and forget about it, easily seeing the results on any open website in any tabs! . Sufficient to enable it ( turn black marker ) and search without having to worry about the chore Ctrl F. How all this works, look at the video above!.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The Law Ministry
one. policeman in the form, then its time is over (or not started).
For some reason, is always exactly. I'll have to ask a friend, an order which may have.
Yahoo with a hint of democracy
Search engine started to test the issue with the built-in bookmark site users Delicious, reports Techcrunch. com. That is, users in the snippet can see how many people have already added this site to your bookmarks.
As noted on the site Techcrunch. com, the mechanism of influence on the issue of availability of bookmarks on Delicious, is not known. But, as seen in the screenshot, the sites are located in the issuance, regardless of the number of bookmarks. The third position is represented at all the site without them.
Yahoo is not the only search engine that tries to issue a show visitors the view of other users. For example, Google in late November, offered users participated in the experiment - to vote for a particular site in the issuance of. Here was an opportunity not only to increase, but decrease it in vydche. Thus, users could affect the SERP search engine, indicating the position of any source should be revised, it is desirable to remove from the issuance or add. The experiment lasted only a few weeks.
Another search engine is in its general assessment is based on the user of the site. This, of course, about the Wikia Search. Although after the launch of the alpha version of the search engine on the network started talking about Wikia Search as a big disappointment for users. The fact that the most important difference between this search engine from all the others - to allow users to vote for the site - the brainchild of Jimmy Wales at the time of release for free access was only theoretical ( Vote user attempted to receive a message that this feature is still in testing). Issue with poor.
Monday, March 26, 2012
GTalk and GMail.
Google continues to introduce language tools in the service. In the recent time automatic translation were equipped with Gmail mail and Internet instant messenger Google Talk.
For instant translation of user needs to send the phrase to be translated, at the address of the bot. According to the official blog of Google, all the boats are named for the first two letters of the source language and target language. For example, the English-Russian translator bot can be found at. en2ru @ bot. talk. google. com.
Despite the fact that the translation provided by the algorithm is far from perfect, in some cases it may be useful to the user. Automatic translator from Google is not built on strict adherence to the rules of grammar, but rather on statistical matching speed and vocabulary in different languages. Until relatively recently, proprietary technologies have been used only in the implementation of Russian-speaking and Chinese-language interpreters.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The following year, WiMax will receive $ 5.2 billion
Investments in the development of WiMax technology around the world made in the following year 5.2 billion. USD. , And most of them have to share the U.S.. That American organizations invest in the deployment of WiMax solutions based on the order of 3 billion. USD. Second place will be Taiwan, where investment in WiMax would amount to 664 million. USD. Third place will get South Korea with 641 million. USD. investment, with reference to recent research Market Intelligence Center, writes informational publication MuniWireless.
Experts believe that a sufficiently large share of investments will account for municipalities that are sufficiently appreciating the benefits of Wi-Fi expect WiMax ( in its mobile version ) will provide more kinds of facilities in connection.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Especially for the Workshop ' Hand in Hand '
FIG knows why, but require a text of the report - apparently, will be printed collection. In general, I think the report for 15-20 minutes - not a report, but rather a defense of the thesis. For the full report should be at least 40 minutes.
- Planning an advertising campaign to begin, budgeting, fundamental differences from conventional advertising advertising on the network - what to look for.
Companies, which decided to conduct an advertising campaign in the network, it should be understood as the fundamental difference between advertising in the offline. Advertising on the Internet schitaema up to the visitor, while offline have to deal with the statistical characteristics depend on the correctness of research. On the Internet, you know exactly when the contact took place advertising, and what were its consequences.
It also gives us an additional advantage in the selection of sites for advertising. We can rely on, first, the testimony of independent statistical systems, rather than their own research area. And, secondly, to choose in certain types of advertising audiences on their own with the help of tagetinga with such precision with which this is within the area: on time, on a territorial basis, according to the language the browser ( see page), the frequency of view, the location of the ad unit .
Thus, even before the advertising campaign we can accurately calculate the number of contacts and the necessary budget, based on the cost of man- contact. This greatly simplifies the approach to budgeting ad campaign. It should be noted, however, that there are some online advertising methods that are not amenable to calculation and shall be paid not based on the number of contacts, and the cost of the work to create them. For example, we can go about creating promorolika, which will be posted on YouTube, and possibly win a considerable popularity, and may not receive any response. But usually we are talking about the sale of a number of contacts for your advertising.
It is necessary to distinguish between a concept such as contacts, transitions, and the actual orders. The ratio of one to another is called a conversion. Knowledge of the conversion for the different business areas makes it possible to calculate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns for businesses, which often is not possible in conventional advertising.
For example, recently one of my clients sent me an offer '25000 contacts classmates for 1,000 rubles, ' and asked to assess the feasibility of participation. In this sentence, it is a trite spam on a sample in a social network. T. e. count the number of contacts can be calculated as the average of the spam will increase this ratio to 1 to 100. Thus, only 250 will contact. My client - a lawyer for corporate law. Also in his responsibility is to provide services for insurance, licensing, accounting. How many of the 250 received the message needs for such services? . For example, in our proposal is an order of magnitude greater than. T. e. in the proposal sent by talking about 1.5 calls per thousand rubles. Although, most likely, will end sponsorship of regular advertisers on the Internet.
- Preparation of feedback: its own site, notification of staff.
Another important difference between advertising on the Internet from the usual - in the direction of its action. In a typical commercial action is directed at the business itself, or brand. The Internet made to improve the quality of contact to act through an intermediary: the site of the company or promostranitsu. T. e. promotional contacts lead to transitions to the website where the customer receives an extended amount of information. And since the site is a contact directly with the services of the company. In addition, the site serves as an anchor element, when the services are not currently required and the user remembers the address of the site or any of the items on the site, through which can then find this site.
In this regard, the best option for the advertising company will be a page dedicated to the theme of an advertising campaign, based on the corporate website. One of the common mistakes would-be advertisers is to send a banner on the home page, forcing users to search for desired information. Sometimes even on the home page does not even hint at the ongoing campaign and the user leaves, the conversion decreases, and your money is being spent unnecessarily.
The second important point - it is awareness of company personnel on the ongoing campaign. It is only natural that interested users will find additional information by phone. And it will be strange if the question ' and you have written on this site. ' Lack of understanding among the managers will meet to work with clients. In addition, some messages may not come to the phone and by e-mail or via instant messenger. The new generation that grew up in an embrace with the keyboard often spends Taipei- test: first writes a message to the e-mail, and only then calls. If an answer by e-mail in the foreseeable future ( an hour or two ) does not occur, the need to make calls is significantly reduced, especially if you have more insightful and attentive to clients competitor.
The optimal chain to work with clients is as follows: advertising contact, go to the site for information, call the company (warm contact), the application, order. Weaknesses in terms of training within the company - a low-quality processing of transitions and low-quality processing of incoming messages and calls. It can not be corrected, or a beautiful banner of quality tagetingom. It depends on you.
- Selection of sites for the campaign: banner ads on the regional sites, contextual advertising, seo promotion. Assessment of the quality of resources, predicting the impact.
In the selection of sites for the campaign should pay attention to the following. First of all, we must determine the desired number of contacts or transitions. And the possibility of a. Suppose there is a company able to handle 20-30 requests per day. It is also known that the conversion for this type of activity - 1 to 100. Thus the need to create 2-3 thousand hits on the target site in order to achieve the desired result.
After this study possible sites. Suppose in the region have 2-3 target sites with attendance of 300-400 people per day. And have 2-3 obschetematicheskie site with attendance from 1 to 20 thousand. per day. Conversion of contact -to- transitions or, as it is called CTR on content sites is up 3% on obschetematicheskih ten times less. Total is about 20 hits a day with topical sites. Even the order of 50-60 obschetematicheskih. Total - less than a hundred, which is far from the calculated 2-3 thousand. Especially when you consider the value placed on these sites.
Therefore, the cheapest options to remain contextual advertising, and SEO -promotion. But they have calculated limits. If in the case of placement on the sites we are limited by their attendance and interest in the company's advertising unit, in the case of search advertising only hinders our interest in the subject. For example, in the case described by the client - lawyer we can only rely on the interested users in the 10-20 day. Part of this audience, we can choose with the help of search engine promotion, and some - with contextual advertising systems such as Direct. Yandex, Google. Advords and Begun.
To evaluate the search audience there are some services, such as one of the most popular - is Vordstat Yandex. Gaining a theme query, you can roughly estimate the interest of the audience to the subject. Of course, you 'll see some average figures, but to understand the dynamics of interest and build a query engine that's enough.
People often ask how to assess the quality of life before the placement of advertising out there. I have reformulated the question: how to estimate the proportion of the audience on a given resource, is interested in your services. The greatest care is likely to have independent counters and statistics on the site. Pay attention to the following criteria:.
- The number of transitions from search to your site. The more, the less permanent and more one-time audience, focused on a request. The audience reacts with the active search advertising, while the constant is rapidly losing interest in the advertisement published on the website. If the fraction of a captive audience than 60-70 %, and on some sites, it is above 80 %, then after a while, the turnover cycle of the audience on the site, the number of transitions from the banner will drop sharply in the case of pay per impression, or the placement makes such placement is ineffective. At sites with an audience mostly search clickability banner is stored for a long time. But it should be noted that the search does not give the audience an explosive surge of interest, and gives a constant that is well suited for advertising of any shares or the appearance of a new product or brand.
- The depth of the site visit. Not all sites offer detailed statistics so you can appreciate the depth of the ratio of views (hits ) to visitors ( or hosts ). What it is, the more people climb on the site. The lower - the lower the interest in the site, and with it the credibility of the advertising. Unless, of course, it was not a one-page site. At the same time, this ratio is strongly correlated with the theses above on a captive audience. But for search engines is a good speaker criterion, particularly important when placed in various references. Suppose you are offered accommodation in a section of a large section of the directory with the ratio of views / visitors - one -to -3. With this ratio, I would say that your card is almost no one will see the year, except for items deeply interested visitors. And if all this is multiplied by the overall low attendance, it generally makes the placement of such uninteresting.
- The total attendance. The main criterion for appearing in a commercial proposals. However, sometimes it may not mean anything. Of course, the bigger the better. But for each site will have its own quality criteria. For example, for a regional portal - this will be the share of regional users and the number of hits on the site by them. For the thematic portal will be the main criterion for the quality of cleanliness of the search audience over a long period of time - time is subject, we should expect that it will be maintained in the audience. And, of course, is to look at the dynamics of attendance, the ups and downs, stable for several weeks or even months. If there is a steady growth, it is a question the adequacy of resources, which is under constant development. If the growth is irregular, then held one-time promotions, leading to a change in attendance at the site or that is possible too, suddenly began to favor the search engine. If there is a decaying race, then made unsuccessful infusion of traffic, which should give food for thought, what is the main source of visitors for today.
- Evaluation of effectiveness: views, traffic, contacts, orders. PR effect.
Any campaign should end with a summing up. And Internet advertising is no exception. In the case of a successful advertising campaign, you should get.
- Increased interest in the company. In particular, you can at the same vordstate to track the emergence of the name of your company - not once, but after 2-3 months, when the statistics will be recalculated.
- Direct orders. The increased volume during the campaign - it does not mean that it will remain so. It all depends on the methods of.
- For some companies manage to increase the permanent audience. One of the problems of the modern Internet - sites is almost more than people. Therefore, even a good -quality themed site - not a guarantee that he will occupy the best positions in the search and will be on hand for anyone who thinks about this service. Should be made active campaigns to increase the number of permanent members at the expense of those who did not get up from a search advertising.
- Liaising with the audience. Often one of the consequences of the campaign is the emergence of positive feedback. Whereas previously people refused to communicate with the company, or simply did not know about it, then after more and more people are drawn into communion with the company. It is good for the presence of various lines of consulting, corporate blogs, forums, guestbooks.
Most of the ads are waiting for immediate effect, and Internet advertising is no exception. Of course, I want to just count on the conversion ratios shows that in the orders, but do not forget about those who saw the ads, but without feeling the need for the service, did not make the transition. This person, however, are more likely to take advantage of it at the right time of the services of the company, which he saw the advertisement. And if you keep using the Internet in constant communication with their customers, the probability of re- exposure to the conversion in order to grow several times.
Use of Internet advertising. It is much less than the marketing of magic and a lot more simple and straightforward arithmetic. And such transparency and clearness make it much cheaper, and the effect of it - more predictable.
Thank you for your attention!.
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Spomoni wrote a post about. Recreation webmaster. and asked him to propiarit. And the owner of the site govnopodarkami came to me and thanked him for his occasional advertising site. As they say, not what.
Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Heavy snowfall in Nepal
The closest airport to Everest - ...
Tourists who went to Everest, is not prepared for the decline in temperature. At the time, for in these at the foot of ' top of the world ' is -20. All the local hotels are full. Nevertheless, from the mountains all come and arrive climbers, skiers and other adventurers.
Many are already late for their flights to the capital of Nepal - Kathmandu. Tourists are asked to connect to the Nepalese army rescue operations, but the authorities do not hurry up to such radical decisions.
- I know the project team.
- I saw sammari project.
- The project is focused on large markets.
- The project has the potential for growth.
- Well, personally I like it.
OU and not weak position in the ranking of insider influence, and classified information on the project, which I own.
Well, we mean that it does not mean that projects that were not included in this list are bad. Well, it is clear that if someone does not agree with this, he can rejoice. Top 10 - a purely subjective.
a. Viewdle.
2. Senderok.
3. Expopromoter.
4. All-biz. net.
5. Invisible CRM.
6. Terrasoft CRM.
7. Clienteq.
8. Uprise App.
9. Liqpay.
10. Address. ua.
PS. Once again I draw your attention that this is my personal rating is based on my personal observations, and clearly that in this list, there are companies with whom I work, and the companies that I know for a long time. It is possible that there were not worthy of the company that I have not seen, heard or know about them very little to turn them back. Also not included in the list of companies that are sitting in stealth mode.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Video: Pakistan controls the scooter motorcycle on the move
It is called the ' King of Pakistani riding ', well at least it gave him the name of the person who uploaded. video. on YouTube. Watching this movie amazed at how many young people atrophied sense of self as they put their lives and the lives of a number of children being.
And so it was clear the young man did not just move on rollers behind the motorcycle, and thus controls the vehicle by using the ropes. Do not believe me, see for yourself below.